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“What an amazing resource library!”
Suzanne Scott

Thousands of curated resources related to advancing equity and justice in STEM

We strive to include voices, perspectives, movements, and methodologies often excluded and undervalued in STEM, DEI enterprises and scholarship, and academia more broadly. We also aim to ensure that disciplines often dissociated from STEM, including the social sciences, are integrated and recognized as foundational to driving systemic change in STEM.

Curated Resources
Contributing Sources
Registered Users

The ARC Network Resource Library also houses the WEPAN Women in STEM Knowledge Center (WKC). The WKC was previously funded by NSF Engineering Education and Research on Gender in Science and Engineering Programs, Award #s 1016711 and 0648210.


Access on-demand research reports from the ARC Network including reports from the Virtual Visiting Scholars as well as the Emerging Research Workshops

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Recordings from past ARC Network webinars

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How-to guides related to library access and research

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Answers to

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Reach out to us. We're here to help.

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Are resources in the library covered by copyright?

Yes, all resources in the library are protected by copyright. Please review each document you would like to use to determine the specific copyright on that item. If you need further assistance, please contact Bethany Farmer, our ARC Community Librarian: [email protected].

Can I add documents to the library?

Yes, please see the Mendeley Help Guide located under the Guides section of the website.

Is the library free to use?

Yes! The library is free to use, we just ask that you join the ARC Network Community (which is free to do!) in order to access the library.

Why does the library not include the full text for every record?

The library includes resources that are not always available; whenever possible, we try to include a link to the resource and/or the full text.
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