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2024 Meet the Scholars

The ARC Network welcomed the seventh cohort of Virtual Visiting Scholars (VVS) cohor to discuss their VVS projects!
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Academic Motherhood: A Mixed-method Review of the ‘Child Penalty’ for Women of Color in STEM

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 5 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Erin Winterrowd to present on her mixed-method review of academic motherhood and the "child penalty" for women of color in STEM.
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Experiences of Foreign Born and Foreign Trained STEM Faculty

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 5 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Sue Rosser to present her work on the experiences of foreign born and foreign trained STEM faculty.
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2023 Meet the Scholars

The ARC Network welcomed the sixth cohort of Virtual Visiting Scholars (VVS) cohort, Drs. Brooke Coley and Jessica Gold, to discuss their VVS projects!
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2022 Meet the Scholars

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Allies, Bystanders, or Advocates

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 4 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Dawn Culpepper to present her work on how to develop, implement, and study intersectionally-minded bystander engagement and faculty development programs to mitigate bias in the academic workplace.
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Industry-academia partnerships in STEM

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 4 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup to present her work focusing on gender and gender intersectionality in industry-academia partnerships in STEM.
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Strategies of Persistence among Women of Color in STEM: A Meta-Ethnography of Qualitative Findings

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 4 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Rodica Lisnic to present her work exploring persistence strategies women of color in STEM use to navigate the tenure and promotion processes.
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Analysis of Funding Trends Addressing Girls/Women of Color and STEM: An Intersectional Approach

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 3 Virtual Visiting Scholar (VVS) Dr. Kimberly Scott to present her work analyzing funding trends targeting girls/women of color and STEM, applying intersectionality as an analytical strategy.
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LGBT+ Faculty and Students in STEM: Policies to Support Success and Inclusion

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 3 Virtual Visiting Scholar (VVS) Dr. Ramón Barthelemy to present his work synthesizing research on experiences and perspectives of gender and sexual minority persons in STEM.
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Examining How Race/Ethnicity and Gender is Explored in Research on STEM Contingent Faculty

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 3 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Ramon Goings to present on his meta-analysis of research on contingent STEM faculty to assess the inclusion of faculty at the intersection of race/ethnicity and gender.
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Gender, Intersectionality, Workload and Leadership in STEM Departments

The ARC Network welcomed Cohort 3 Virtual Visiting Scholar Dr. Joya Misra to present her work focusing on impacts of intersectional identity on and inclusion in decision-making and leadership with additional emphasis on retention and career advancement of faculty.
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ARC Network Virtual Visiting Scholar Ethel Mickey, PhD

As a Virtual Visiting Scholar in the 2018-2019 cohort, Dr. Ethel Mickey explored the implications of STEM faculty networks for career success through an intersectional gender lens.
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ARC Network Virtual Visiting Scholar Cara Margherio, PhD

Cara Margherio, PhD, Virtual Visiting Scholar, centered the experiences of women faculty of color in a meta-synthesis of the research on mentoring.
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SEA Change – How to Advance your #EquityInSTEM Work Webinar

SEA Change is a comprehensive initiative that features a self-assessment framework to effect sustainable change with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEMM at U.S. institutions of higher education.
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New Directions for Research on Identity-Based Harassment Webinar

This webinar highlights the ARC Network 2019 Emerging Research Workshop report on new directions for research on identity-based harassment.
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Exploring the Latest Research on Women in Engineering

This ARC Network webinar features resources from one of our ARC Network Communities of Practice, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
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2020 Town Hall: Ensuring Equity in Institutional COVID-19 Responses

As institutions respond to COVID-19 and its impacts, the ARC Network wants to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion are integrated into higher education administrators’ decision-making.
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Ensuring Equity in Institutional COVID-19 Responses: The Multiple Dimensions of Integrating Equity

In the first webinar in a series on Ensuring Equity in Institutional COVID-19 Responses, Leslie Gonzales, EdD and Kimberly Griffin, PhD discussed the multiple dimensions of integrating equity in institutional decision making – including issues and challenges facing institutions, the unique impacts on marginalized faculty, and the need for integrating equity in decision making.
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Ensuring Equity in Institutional COVID-19 Responses: Advocacy Strategies for Ensuring Equity in Institutional Responses to COVID-19

The second webinar in the ARC Network’s series on Ensuring Equity in Institutional COVID-19 Responses addressed various advocacy strategies.
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Gender Biases and Intersectionality in Citation Practices and Analyses

2019-2020 Virtual Visiting Scholar, Dr. Beth Mitchneck discussed her meta synthesis of the research on how social practices influence citation indices, commonly used metrics to evaluate the quality of a scholar’s productivity. Dr. Mitchneck addressed implications for future practice and implementation of equity interventions.
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Academic entrepreneurship in STEM: A meta-synthesis on the intersection of gender

Dr. Teresa Nelson discussed her VVS project on gender equity and academic entrepreneurship in STEM. Dr. Nelson shared her perspectives on future practice around research on and interventions around supporting faculty women’s entrepreneurship.
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2021 Town Hall: Ensuring Equity in Institutional COVID-19 Responses Town Hall

As state and local governments responded in varied ways to the public health crisis, administrators and faculty had to act quickly to manage courses, research, family responsibilities, and a plethora of other complications.
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Understandings of Gender in STEM Higher Education Research

Dr. Allison Mattheis, presented on her work focused on understandings of gender in STEM higher education research in which she completed an integrative meta-analysis approach informed by intersectionality and critical feminist perspectives to review higher education-specific research.
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Women Faculty of Color and Mentoring

The project of Cara Margherio, PhD, Virtual Visiting Scholar, centered the experiences of women faculty of color in a meta-synthesis of the research on mentoring. In this report, she shares her research on this topic over the past year.
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